Monday 11 June 2018


Considering humans have studied our own bodies for thousands of years, you'd think we'd have discovered all there is to know. But apparently we missed one giant organ.

A new study claims that a group of scientists have discovered a new organ in the human bodies that may be larger than all the rest. The new organ is called interstitium, and it's "a series of interconnected, fluid-filled compartments" that is found throughout the body just underneath the skin. Previously, scientists simply assumed these spaces were connective tissue. It's not entirely clear what the purpose of this organ is, although they hypothesized it could be a "shock-absorber" for parts of the body.

The biggest reason this discovery is noteworthy is how it could related to medicine. Scientists have often wondered how certain diseases or conditions, such as cancer, could spread so quickly throughout the whole body. It's possible the interstitium could be a contributor.

This is the second time in the past two years that scientists have discovered a new organ in the human body. Last year an Irish surgeon discovered the mesentery, which connects the intestine to the abdomen. 

Scientists have 'discovered a new organ'
Scientists have identified a new organ in the human body, called ‘interstitium." Veuer's Sam Berman has the full story.

A study claims to have discovered a new human organ that could help scientists better understand its impact on diseases such as cancer.

A view inside the human body.
A view inside the human body.  

Scientists using a special live imaging technique called a Probe-based Confocal Laser Endomicroscopy (pCLE) to find the interstitium in various parts of the body including the lungs and digestive tract.

The study said the interstitium can compress or expand in size, suggesting it could serve as "shock absorbers" for other parts of the body.

This is the second time in as many years humans have learned details about a new organ. Last year, an Irish surgeon discovered the mesentery, which connects the intestine to the abdomen. It's identifiable function is still not known.

If we're still finding new organs, who knows what could be hiding in our bodies that we haven't found yet?


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