Wednesday 29 March 2017


WASTE WATER  refers to spent water. Used water as a result of human cleansing activities and rains from nature.

Waste water is of two basic types: 1.  SULLAGE and 2. SEWAGE.

SULLAGE (also known as graywater)  is water that is generated or  have its roots from bathrooms, washings  and kitchens of  residential households; office buildings, runoffs, etc without fecal contamination. That is, except the said water is not  wastewater from toilets or any other sources of faecal contamination it is sullage.. But once faeces is detected in any waste water, it is no longer sullage. It automatically turns to SEWAGE.

 Sources of sullage or waste water (greywater)  as mentioned above  include, e.g. sinks, showers, baths, clothes washing machings or dish washers and rian water runoffs.. 

Greywater (sullage) from domestic households is known to  contain fewer pathogens, hence it is generally safer to handle and easier to treat and reuse onsite for toilet flushing, landscape or crop irrigation, and other non-potable uses.

Sullage from industries are more compromised with industrial effluents and spills so it cannot be handled like domestic sullage. Regular laboratory analysis must be carried out and result treated where necessary and must be professionally handled by accredited analysts. The accreditation process must be done by the relevant Environmental Health Authority.

The use of non-toxic and low-sodium soap and personal care products is recommended to protect vegetation when reusing greywate (sullage) for irrigation purposes.

 It must be cartegorically emphasized that the application of greywater reuse in any URBAN WASTE  WATER SYSTEMS is highly encouraged as it provides substantial benefits for the urban water supply system by reducing the demand for fresh portable water. It also helps in reducing the amount of wastewater required to be conveyed and treated.

SEWAGE (also known as BLACK WATER) is sullage water that contain faeces or or traces of  faecal matter.


 Greywater, by its definition, does not include the discharge of toilets or highly fecally contaminated wastewater. Onec traces of faecal contamination is b jjbbbbj jjhj is designated SEWAGE or BLACKWATER to indicate that it contains HUMAN WASTE in it. 

Any serious Government must provide adequate waste water treatment plant to sanitarily  manage waste water (including sewage) to uplift the standard of health and sanitation.

Such waste water plant must take into cognizance the size of the population its dealing with else the effort be futile.

Also, adequate effort must be pu in place by the government to ensure proper containment of waste water from its sources in the society.

Sound Health education of the people is very imperative and can never be overemphasized.

All waste water must be channelled sanitarily to a containment and not allowed to flow through open surface ground/floor to avoid infection spread.

Procurement of standard airtight automated/hydrolic powered  dislugement trucks are absolutely imperative to move waste water to treatment plants and final disposal at approved sites.

Sanitary sewage disposal method is the process in which sewage is transported through cities and inhabited areas to sewage treatment plants, where it is then treated to remove contaminants so as to produce environmentally-safe waste. 

Sanitary disposal of sewage  protects public health and prevents disease as well as pollution of water sources from sewage contaminants.

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