Tuesday 31 August 2021


Did Bill Gates Call For Withdrawal Of ALL COVID-19 Vaccines?

Truth: Bill Gates Did NOT Call For Withdrawal Of COVID-19 Vaccines!

Find out what’s going on, and what the FACTS really are!


Claim that Bill Gates Calls For Withdrawal Of ALL COVID-19 Vaccines is false and misleading!

People are sharing an article by Daily Expose, claiming that Bill Gates is calling for the withdrawal of ALL COVID-19 vaccines, because they are “far more dangerous than anyone imagined”!

It’s a VERY long article, so please skip to the next section for the FACTS!

"BREAKING – Bill Gates calls for the withdrawal of all Covid-19 Vaccines; “The vaccines are far more dangerous than anyone imagined”

In a shocking announcement, Bill Gates, billionaire Microsoft co-founder and the major force behind the COVID-19 vaccines, called for all the COVID-19 genetic-based vaccines to be taken off the market immediately.

In an often anguished 19-minute televised speech, Gates said: “We made a terrible mistake. We wanted to protect people against a dangerous virus. But it turns out the virus is much less dangerous than we thought. And the vaccine is far more dangerous than anyone imagined.”

By W. Gelles

“These vaccines—Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson & Johnson, AstraZeneca—they’re killing people left and right—and they’re injuring some people very badly,” Gates continued, waving his hands in the air at times for dramatic effect.

“The government’s own data shows us this is what’s happening. The CDC’s reporting system is showing, what?…around 13,000 deaths so far in the U.S. and over half a million adverse events. Well, we all know the reporting system is a sham........."

The truth is that the entire article is FALSE – a complete fabrication by Daily Expose. There is nothing truthful in the entire article.

For example, the claim that the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System ( VAERS )captures “only one percent of what’s going on”, and yet reported 13,000 deaths and over half a million adverse events is COMPLETELY FALSE.

The claim that “hydroxycholoroquine is known to be very effective in fighting COVID-19” is also COMPLETELY FALSE. Also false are the claims that the studies that discredited HCQ were retracted.

Everything in their article can be verified as false, but Daily Expose is counting on you not doing that.

VAERS : How Antivaxxers Use It To Support Their Fake News!

Fact #4 : COVID-19 Vaccines Have Been Proven Safe + Effective

Anti-vaccination proponents are not interested in your health, which is why they keep lying about the safety and efficacy of COVID-19 vaccines.

The truth is – COVID-19 vaccines are only approved AFTER they have undergone extensive safety and efficacy tests, involving tens of thousands of volunteers.

And even after receiving Emergency Use Authorisation and full FDA approval, they continue to be monitored for safety and efficacy.

The reason why doctors and health authorities STRONGLY advocate vaccination is because the vaccines prevent you from getting COVID-19 in the first place.

And even if you do get infected after vaccination, the vaccine will protect you against hospitalisation and death from COVID-19.

So stop listening to fake news websites like Daily Expose. Protect yourself and your family by vaccinating against COVID-19!

The truth is that the entire article is FALSE – a complete fabrication by Daily Expose. There is nothing truthful in the entire article.

For example, the claim that VAERS captures “only one percent of what’s going on”, and yet reported 13,000 deaths and over half a million adverse events is COMPLETELY FALSE.

The claim that “hydroxycholoroquine (HCQ) is known to be very effective in fighting COVID-19” is also COMPLETELY FALSE. Also false are the claims that the studies that discredited HCQ were retracted.

Everything in their article can be verified as false, but Daily Expose is counting on you not doing that.

VAERS : How Antivaxxers Use It To Support Their Fake News!

Fact #4 : COVID-19 Vaccines Have Been Proven Safe + Effective

Anti-vaccination proponents are not interested in your health, which is why they keep lying about the safety and efficacy of COVID-19 vaccines.

The truth is – COVID-19 vaccines are only approved AFTER they have undergone extensive safety and efficacy tests, involving tens of thousands of volunteers.

And even after receiving Emergency Use Authorisation and full FDA approval, they continue to be monitored for safety and efficacy.

The reason why doctors and health authorities STRONGLY advocate vaccination is because the vaccines prevent you from getting COVID-19 in the first place.

And even if you do get infected after vaccination, the vaccine will protect you against hospitalisation and death from COVID-19.

So stop listening to fake news websites like Daily Expose. Protect yourself and your family by vaccinating against COVID-19!

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