Wednesday 15 December 2021


The Speaker of the House of Representatives, Rep. Femi Gbajabiamila, on Wednesday signed 10 bills passed by the House for transmission to the Senate for concurrence.

One of the bill the speaker signed for transmission to the Senate is the Prohibition of Discrimination Between First Degree and Higher National Diploma Bill, 2021. It seeks to abolish the discrimination that exists between degree and HND holders for the purpose of employment.

Lanre Lasisi, Special Adviser on Media and Publicity to the Speaker, House of Representatives, Federal Republic of Nigeria.

Sunday 26 September 2021


World Environmental Health Day 2021 is observed annually on September 26 to create awareness globally regarding the health of the environment. This day highlights the importance to maintain public health especially in the challenging time of the COVID-19 pandemic. This day was established in 2011 by the International Federation of Environmental Health (IFEH) aiming at the well being of people across the globe. This year the theme of World Environmental Health Day is Prioritizing Environmental Health for healthier communities in the global recovery.

The happiness of human life is in the joyful nature in which they live. Life is good because of it. Happy Environmental Health Day.

Thursday 2 September 2021


Stakeholders in the Nigeria agricultural food subsector, have decried the rejection of locally produced food crops exported to Western countries.

The stakeholders lamented the situation during the launch of agrochemical Safety Ambassadors in Yola, the Adamawa State capital, an initiative of Feed the Future Nigeria Rural Resilience Activity, jointly implemented by Mercy Corps and Save the Children.

Stakeholders who are mostly farmers lamented their produce for export had been rejected because the produce contained high residues of agrochemical substances.

This is just as the Adamawa State Commissioner for Agriculture and Livestock Development, Daware Iya-Umar, also lamented that locally produced food crops for export get barred from European markets because agrochemical residues arising from wrong use or application of agrochemicals.

He said, ” Most of our goods were returned while exporting, based on the fact that they could not pass the test of quality control. That quality control might entail, the chemical content in our products due to lack of adequate knowledge on the application of agrochemicals.”

Other stakeholders including agricultural extension agents, agrochemical dealers who spoke through their representatives, all blamed the improper use and application of agrochemicals for making it difficult for Nigerian food produce to pass standards set for food safety.

Raymond Abogonye, acting deputy chief of party, Feed the Future Initiative, the United States government’s global hunger and food security initiative, said the United State government is very concerned about safety of the food we eat as well as who produce the food for, as motive behind the launch of agro-safety ambassadors.

He noted that the US and it’s European allies have food safety standards which must be adhered to from crop production up to storage but which had yet to observed by most farmers, particularly in their application and use of agrochemicals.

He said, agro-safety ambassadors which is the first level of awareness in addressing the challenge, in the pilot scheme, is expected to reach 500,000 farmers in the four states of Adamawa, Gombe, Borno and Yobe, where the activity is being implemented in the North East.

“Since we can’t reach everybody we want to use the facilitative market approach to include those who sell the chemicals themselves as those preaching the message of awareness to the farmers.

With over 1,000 agrochemical dealers on our register recruited for the campaign and each targeting 50 farmers on the safety use and application of agrochemicals,” he added.

Tuesday 31 August 2021


Did Bill Gates Call For Withdrawal Of ALL COVID-19 Vaccines?

Truth: Bill Gates Did NOT Call For Withdrawal Of COVID-19 Vaccines!

Find out what’s going on, and what the FACTS really are!


Claim that Bill Gates Calls For Withdrawal Of ALL COVID-19 Vaccines is false and misleading!

People are sharing an article by Daily Expose, claiming that Bill Gates is calling for the withdrawal of ALL COVID-19 vaccines, because they are “far more dangerous than anyone imagined”!

It’s a VERY long article, so please skip to the next section for the FACTS!

"BREAKING – Bill Gates calls for the withdrawal of all Covid-19 Vaccines; “The vaccines are far more dangerous than anyone imagined”

In a shocking announcement, Bill Gates, billionaire Microsoft co-founder and the major force behind the COVID-19 vaccines, called for all the COVID-19 genetic-based vaccines to be taken off the market immediately.

In an often anguished 19-minute televised speech, Gates said: “We made a terrible mistake. We wanted to protect people against a dangerous virus. But it turns out the virus is much less dangerous than we thought. And the vaccine is far more dangerous than anyone imagined.”

By W. Gelles

“These vaccines—Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson & Johnson, AstraZeneca—they’re killing people left and right—and they’re injuring some people very badly,” Gates continued, waving his hands in the air at times for dramatic effect.

“The government’s own data shows us this is what’s happening. The CDC’s reporting system is showing, what?…around 13,000 deaths so far in the U.S. and over half a million adverse events. Well, we all know the reporting system is a sham........."

The truth is that the entire article is FALSE – a complete fabrication by Daily Expose. There is nothing truthful in the entire article.

For example, the claim that the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System ( VAERS )captures “only one percent of what’s going on”, and yet reported 13,000 deaths and over half a million adverse events is COMPLETELY FALSE.

The claim that “hydroxycholoroquine is known to be very effective in fighting COVID-19” is also COMPLETELY FALSE. Also false are the claims that the studies that discredited HCQ were retracted.

Everything in their article can be verified as false, but Daily Expose is counting on you not doing that.

VAERS : How Antivaxxers Use It To Support Their Fake News!

Fact #4 : COVID-19 Vaccines Have Been Proven Safe + Effective

Anti-vaccination proponents are not interested in your health, which is why they keep lying about the safety and efficacy of COVID-19 vaccines.

The truth is – COVID-19 vaccines are only approved AFTER they have undergone extensive safety and efficacy tests, involving tens of thousands of volunteers.

And even after receiving Emergency Use Authorisation and full FDA approval, they continue to be monitored for safety and efficacy.

The reason why doctors and health authorities STRONGLY advocate vaccination is because the vaccines prevent you from getting COVID-19 in the first place.

And even if you do get infected after vaccination, the vaccine will protect you against hospitalisation and death from COVID-19.

So stop listening to fake news websites like Daily Expose. Protect yourself and your family by vaccinating against COVID-19!

The truth is that the entire article is FALSE – a complete fabrication by Daily Expose. There is nothing truthful in the entire article.

For example, the claim that VAERS captures “only one percent of what’s going on”, and yet reported 13,000 deaths and over half a million adverse events is COMPLETELY FALSE.

The claim that “hydroxycholoroquine (HCQ) is known to be very effective in fighting COVID-19” is also COMPLETELY FALSE. Also false are the claims that the studies that discredited HCQ were retracted.

Everything in their article can be verified as false, but Daily Expose is counting on you not doing that.

VAERS : How Antivaxxers Use It To Support Their Fake News!

Fact #4 : COVID-19 Vaccines Have Been Proven Safe + Effective

Anti-vaccination proponents are not interested in your health, which is why they keep lying about the safety and efficacy of COVID-19 vaccines.

The truth is – COVID-19 vaccines are only approved AFTER they have undergone extensive safety and efficacy tests, involving tens of thousands of volunteers.

And even after receiving Emergency Use Authorisation and full FDA approval, they continue to be monitored for safety and efficacy.

The reason why doctors and health authorities STRONGLY advocate vaccination is because the vaccines prevent you from getting COVID-19 in the first place.

And even if you do get infected after vaccination, the vaccine will protect you against hospitalisation and death from COVID-19.

So stop listening to fake news websites like Daily Expose. Protect yourself and your family by vaccinating against COVID-19!

Monday 30 August 2021


    Dr. Yakubu Baba Muhammad

The Registrar of Environmental Health Officers Registration Council of Nigeria (EHORECON), Mr. Yakubu Baba Muhammad, has lamented the dwindling number of practising environmental officers, especially as the country battles diseases like cholera and COVID-19.

Muhammad registered his displeasure over the development in a chat with journalists after a Capacity Building For Small Scale food Vendors on Hygiene Application in Food Processing From Farm to Table, organized by the Federal Ministry of Environment and Mukhtar Ahmed of the House of Representatives.

He then urged the governments to recruit more officers to combat the spread of COVID-19, cholera and other diseases ravaging the country.

Wednesday 25 August 2021


The Director-General of the National Agency for Food and Drugs Administration and Control (NAFDAC), Professor Mojisola Adeyeye, has raised the alarm that food vendors in the country are applying poisonous chemicals to preserve their food to the detriment of the health of Nigerians.
Adeyeye disclosed that among the deadly chemicals being used by meat and fish sellers was formalin, a chemical substance used to preserve dead bodies.

She revealed that the agency has discovered that butchers have resolved to using formalin which is meant for embalming dead people, for preserving fish and meat consumed by Nigerians.

The NAFDAC boss made this known during a Public Enlightenment Campaign flagged off by NAFDAC in Bauchi State, on Tuesday, held at Double Four Events Centre, Bauchi.

She cautioned that the misuse of chemicals on food products was capable of leading to many serious diseases and death, warning that anyone arrested would be brought to justice.

Adeyeye, who was represented by Fori Tatami, NAFDAC’s Director of Planning, Research and Statistics, also revealed that Sniper, a brand of poisonous chemical, is also being used to preserve Kilishi (a dried form of suya, made from deboned cow, sheep or goat meat) by food sellers in some parts of the country.

“Sniper is being misused by most Nigerians. If it dries with the Kilishi, it can kill the consumer,” she warned

She said that aside from the task of discouraging Nigerians against patronising drug hawkers, the agency is also warning Nigerians against buying meats from an open place infested with flies.

“Such meats are possibly laced with dangerous chemicals that chase flies away so Nigerians must be wary,’ he stated.

She said Nigerians should also be wary of red palm oil as traders add a dangerous chemical called ‘Azo dye’ to make it reddish and appealing.

She said the public enlightenment was to make Nigerians aware of the development and be willing to give information of such practices to NAFDAC in order to arrest and prosecute suspects.

“We should not allow people to put chemicals into the products that we consume. We need to be careful and enlighten our people," she said.

Thursday 19 August 2021


The Joint Health Sector Union and the Assembly of Healthcare Professional Associations have urged the Federal Government to review the hazard allowance for health workers based on the existing template.

JOHESU National Chairman, Biobelemoye Josiah, in a statement on Wednesday, said the term ‘clinical and non-clinical staff’ was an arbitrary terminology alien to the lexicons and statutes in the Nigerian public services and should not be used for the purposes of ranking or categorisation of Nigeria workers including those in the health sector.

The statement was titled, ‘Facts on the Issue of Hazard Allowance for Health Sector Workers in Government Health Establishment.’

 “This memo seeks to guide the Federal Government team, stakeholders and consumers of health in resolving stress junctures in the negotiation of hazard allowance for health sector workers in government health establishments.

“JOHESU/AHPA is hinging its submissions on the 2014 report of the Collective Bargaining Committee which reviewed the 2009 CBA between the FG and JOHESU.  We shall also rely on the treaties of the ILO and the provisions of the Federal Republic of Nigeria 1999 Constitution.

“We, therefore, demand that the over two-decade hazard allowance template of flat pay for hazard across board be maintained and should be the basis for the proposed upward review of hazard allowance by the Federal Government. The format prescribed by the FMoH at the inception of the FG-Stakeholders dialogue is most apt in the circumstance.

“JOHESU also demand that the proposed review of the hazard allowance be solely predicated on the distinctive classification of medical and health workers as established in Nigeria by relevant authorities in accordance with the extant schemes of service, rules and statutes in the Nigerian public service which rely on grade levels.

“We always maintain that there is basic humanity that is shared by all health workers which makes them all vulnerable to same general risk factors and hazards. This was the consideration in 2009 when equal hazard allowances were approved for all health workers in Nigeria. In special situations like pandemics or epidemic, special inducement allowances which will focus on personnel skill levels, the peculiarity of exposure may apply to take care of graded allowances,” the statement partly reads.

Saturday 7 August 2021


    Dr. Muhammad Mahmood Abubakar                           HONOURABLE MINISTER                                          Ministry of Environment

The Federal Ministry of Environment has assured environmental health professionals of government’s support to their various efforts and laudable initiatives and innovations towards improving societal healthcare.

Dr Muhammad Abubakar, Minister of Environment, gave the assurance on Thursday during the 1st national summit on environmental health held in Abuja.


The summit was organised by the Environmental Health Officers Registration Council of Nigeria (EHORECON) during which over 3,000 new practitioners were inducted.

Abubakar said the ministry would continue to support the laudable initiatives of the council with the view to providing adequate enablement for effective and efficient environmental health practice.

He stated that the relevance of the profession in controlling communicable and contagious diseases could not be overemphasized and would be improved upon for a healthy society.

The minister also charged the newly inducted practitioners to contribute their quota in nation building by practicing within the confines of their professional ethics.

Dr Yakubu Baba, Registrar, EHORECON, in his remarks, said the summit brought environmental health experts together to identify the profession’s strength, challenges and prospects.

Baba noted that the practice of the profession currently was disjointed with some components domiciled in the ministry of health, environment and water resources.

He emphasized the need for them to be integrated to create significant impact to the society’s health.

“We will discuss to have a unified structure that will allow mobility of our personnel from one ministry to another, one department to another.

“The summit will enable us discuss and come up with a unified structure on where and how environmental health services will be rendered to Nigerians. We will also look at the policies and guidelines and legislations that require amendment and enacting.

“The environmental health officers are using an instrument that gives them power while on duty to enter any premise without a warrant for the purpose of inspection.

“ We want to address the yearnings and aspirations of Nigerians who are calling for the reintroduction of sanitary inspection as well as consolidate our manpower and services so that people can see what we are seeing.

Prof. Agwu Amadi of the Federal University of Technology, Owerri, said the call for the reintroduction of sanitary health officers into the field was a welcome development.

According to him, “if we get it correctly from environmental health services, we would reduce illness and deaths and also economic burden,” adding that environment health was public wealth and public wealth was wellness.

“It is important for us to achieve environmental health. The call by Nigerians for the reintroduction of sanitary officers in the field is a welcome development. These officers can find out the situation of environmental health,’’ he said.

The minister inaugurated the environmental health practice programme to ensure that the professional practice is done in accordance with the law.

He also inaugurated the environmental health emergency response volunteer scheme, aimed at bridging the gap of environmental health manpower distribution across the country, and unveiled the digital-based service delivery portal, aimed at digitizing the processes of transacting business between EHORECON and its clients.

Thursday 5 August 2021


    Dr. Mahmood Abubakar, Hon. Minister of          Environment

The Hon. Minister of Environment, Dr. Mahmood Abubakar was sighted wearing the full uniform as an environmental health officer in the on going 1st environmental health summit in Abuja. 

The minister of Environment also delivered a keynote address at the ongoing, 1st National Summit on Environmental Health at the International Conference Centre, Abuja on 4th August 2021. 

He has worked for over 10 years in various organization starting from Kittitas Country (Health Dept.) as Environmental Health Inspector, University of Arizona as Research and Teaching Assistance, E&A Environmental Services Los Angeles, California as Environmental professional (Industrial Hygienist), Municipality of Metropolitan Seattle as Industrial Waste Investigator. He also worked in Nigeria as a Director Planning, Research and Evaluation with the Kaduna State Environmental Protection Agency and have lectured at Water Resources Research Institute, Kaduna as well as a volunteer Environmental consultant for the United Nations Association, Seattle Washington DC.
Hon. Minister of Environment, Dr. Mohammad Mahmood Abubakar(middle), Registrar, EHORECON, Dr. Baba Yakubu Mohammed (Right) and the Director General, National Environmental Standards and Regulations Enforcement Agency(NESREA), Prof. Aliyu Jauro at the ongoing, 1st National Summit on Environmental Health Organized by EHORECON at the International Conference Centre, Abuja on 4th August 2021. 

The occasion which also featured the fellowship investiture of the Honorable Minister of Environment by the West African Post Graduate College of Environmental Health. 
Investiture of the Honorable Minister of Environment by the West African post Graduate College of Environmental Health

Wednesday 4 August 2021


Business owners in the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja have decried move by the Federal Capital Territory Administration, FCTA to impose levy on companies for using generators to power their businesses.

Some officials of AMAC believed to have been contracted by the FCTA, have been seen in some parts of the city distributing payment notices to several organizations including DAILY POST.

According to the notice signed by the Director Public Health, HoD Environment of AMAC, Ahmed Haruna, the Management of Abuja Municipal Area Council Environmental Services (ESD) Bodies, said industries, warehouses, Banks are to pay annual fee for using generator due to the discharge of harmful hazardous substance.

The notice reads, “Management of Abuja Municipal Area Council Environmental Services (ESD) Bodies, wishes to notify you of levy/fees due to Abuja Municipal Area Council for Gaseous Emission Permit Limit. This includes discharge of harmful hazardous substance into the air or the land and the water in Nigeria by the activities of industries, warehouse, Bank, either from generator or heavy duty, drilling, production, construction and manufacturing equipments, filling station, ETC.

“This is in line with the provision of section (2C) of the forth schedule to the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria as amended under the function of the Local Government Authority and Federal Environmental Protection Agency Act (FEPA) Section 25 which established the Local Council Authority to, regulate, enforce and collection of levies for the interest of public health importance (welfare) section 18, 20, 21, 26and 27 and other relevant laws National Environmental Health Practice Regulation 2016 which confers on the council the power to regulate, inspect, control and collection of levies.

It also threatened to punished and cripple organizations that violate the order.“ Also note that failure to comply with this forgoing regulation is punishable offence and we will seize the activities of the organization and arrest as prescribe in part iV Section 27 Subsection 1 abcd and (2) of FEPA ACT 1992”.

But when DAILY POST engaged the officers distributing the notices on what the FCTA administration had put in place to safeguard lives in Abuja from it termed hazardous substance, they were unable to explain.

When contacted, an admin of the AMAC who identified herself as Peace, said the program was approved by the Federal Government.

She said, “is a levy approved by the Federal Government that who ever is running business in Abuja should pay. And it is to be paid annually”.

She, however, declined further comments when asked to give details of the payment.

Meanwhile, many residents of the FCT are worried that the city’s administration may cripple businesses trying to survive amid the current economic reality with its numerous taxes.

In a week, small businesses in Abuja had received at least 4 to 5 payment notices from AMAC. But residents have observed that the administration has put nothing in place to justify the numerous taxes imposed on businesses and individuals.

They expressed concern that an administration collecting tax for emission from generator should have made access to medical facilities easy, lamenting that medical bills in Abuja hospitals remain very high across all hospitals.

They also argued that a government that could not generate enough power for people to run their businesses should not be taxing residents and business owners who struggle daily to run their businesses with an alternative power source.

Some of them cautioned the FCTA to stop stifling businesses in Abuja with taxes when development remains stagnant. “How can you tax us for emission but cannot provide an alternative energy source? This is draconia,” a business owner told DAILY POST in Utako.

A manager of a popular company in Apo, Abuja who preferred not to be mentioned in print, told DAILY that the development is conceivable. He described the notice as a move by the government to cripple businesses in Abuja.

He lamented why a government would initiate such a policy amid the current hardship ravaging the entire country.

“One question I have been asking is, why do business owners use generators? Is it not because the government failed to provide electricity for us? Then after failing to do your job, I chose to help myself with generator to power my firm with a huge expenses and you are now coming back to ask me to pay for that? That is not normal.

“This is just a way of extorting money from poor residents. They are talking about health, do they even care about the healthcare system? What have they put in place regarding healthcare? What are they going to achieve with the money now regarding the health issues they are claiming? Nothing.

“Businesses are currently struggling. Some have even closed down due to the horrible effect of COVID-19 lockdown in 2020 and a government is going about extorting money from business as small as mine. This is an evil agenda.

When asked if his organization is preparing to pay the levy, he simply said, “We don’t have money for that, I’m sorry.”

Managing Director of a popular industry in Abuja, Dr Obi Ugochukwu said despite all taxes imposed on residents, there are no visible projects in the territory.

“There are relatively no social amenities in the city. We survive on our own. Sometimes, I wonder what they are actually using the money for.

“If you drive through most parts of the city, you will find out that even the street lights are not working. The satellite towns do no even have it at all. So where is the money channeled to?

“We have bad roads in Abuja here. Go to places like Bwari Area Council and see. How would businesses move when people find it difficult to convey their products and products to where they can be marketed?

“Yes, you are taxing people on generator emission, but you must have put things in place first. How many public health facilities can you point to particularly in the satellite towns where most of the business owners live? Even in the city centre, how affordable are hospitals?

“No single thing is subsidized in the city as a result of the taxes being collected by the administration. This is a capital city where you can not afford hospital bill for your wards” he said.

Recall that the FCT Minister of State, Dr Ramatu Aliyu, a few days ago, disclosed that the FCT administration spent about N8 billion annually on waste management in the Federal Capital City (FCC) and the satellite towns.

The Minister, in a statement on Sunday claimed that the Abuja Environmental Protection Board (AEPB) spent an average of N6 billion, while the Satellite Towns Development Department (STDD) expended N2 billion on waste management annually.

But a respondent who owns a business in Wuse but resides in one of the satellite towns, told our correspondent that his community contributes money monthly for waste management.

He also stated that no government in any part of the world would tax residents without giving them the benefit of those taxes.

“We pay a minimum of N3,000 monthly to those who come to pick waste from our community for recycling. They usually come with their vehicles and we pay them for the services. This is something the government should have used to generate power. The waste itself can be converted to another source of energy but would they think in that direction?

“The government can not focus on the main city and abandon the satellite towns where some of these entrepreneurs reside. You abandoned them in the satellite town and when they come to the city to do their businesses, you cripple them with unnecessary taxation. How would they survive?

He described the development as an obnoxious policy by the FCTA. He expressed surprise that the administration is implementing such a policy under the watch of the FCT Minister, Mohammed Musa Bello, a young politician who is still aspiring for other leadership positions.

Tuesday 3 August 2021


Three residential buildings have been sealed by the Ondo State government in Akure, the state capital for alleged environmental infractions by the owners and occupants of the affected buildings.

The General Manager of the state Waste Management Authority, Mrs Ayo Adeyemo disclosed this to newsmen in Akure.

She said all the occupants of the affected buildings were sent out by the government Environmental Health Officers who enforced the order.
The affected buildings are located at Oke Ogba community in Akure and the order of the government was said to be indefinite until further notice.

She said the owners and occupants of the sealed buildings were arrested by the Environmental Health Officials who moved around the state to inspect the level of compliance to the sanitation exercise.

According to her, the owners and occupants of the sealed buildings had committed various offences against the state environmental laws, hence the government order.

She said the offences committed include not having toilets in the houses, not having kitchens, leaving in uncompleted buildings which is dangerous for inhabitants, bushy environment and absent of other necessary facilities among others.

She frowned at the attitude of some landlords whose houses were without toilets and other necessary needed facilities, stressing that the government would not hesitate to clamp down on any violators.

She said all hands must be on deck to support the government’s efforts at keeping the state clean and warding off outbreaks of diseases.

She said “As it is now the houses have been sealed and nobody should enter into them and the owners of the buildings would be charged to court.”


The Environmental Health Officers Registration Council of Nigeria (EHORECON) is organizing first ever summit on Environmental Health in Nigeria.

A press release from the council quoted the Registrar, EHORECON, Dr Baba Yakubu Mohammed as saying the Summit with the theme ‘Rebranding Environmental Health practice: Breaking Barriers, Unlocking Opportunities’ is to hold between 4th and 6th August 2021 at the International Conference Center, Abuja. 

The press release signed by Kehinde A Openibo, Head, Public Affairs, for the Registrar/CEO said the event is expected to attract arrays of Federal Ministers, DGs/ Chief Executives, Captains of industries and Stakeholders in the Environment sectors.

“The Honorable Minister of Environment Dr, Mohammad Mahmood Abubakar would be the Special Guest of honor at the 3-day event. Also, the events will feature among other things, the launching of Environmental Health Emergency Response volunteer scheme, Environmental Health Service in the Control and Prevention of infectious diseases, Unveiling of Digital based service delivery portal and Public Health Emergency Operation Center (PHEOC) in coordination of epidemic/pandemic response in Nigeria etc.

“In addition, the event is expected to showcase exhibition of various types in Environmental Health while on the 3rd and final day will include Award/ Gala night for those who have contributed immensely to the development of Environmental Health in Nigeria.”

Sunday 18 July 2021


The U.S. Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on Friday confirmed that a rare case of human monkeypox was detected in Texas, making it the first case of the virus seen in the state.

The viral illness was found in a U.S. resident, who recently travelled from Nigeria to the U.S. and is currently hospitalised in Dallas. He is in stable condition, according to the health department’s statement.

“While rare, this case is not a reason for alarm and we do not expect any threat to the general public,” Dallas County Judge Clay Jenkins said.

Other than Nigeria, outbreaks have also been reported in Central and West African countries since 1970, with a large outbreak in people in the U.S. in 2003, according to the CDC. Monkeypox, which belongs to the same family of viruses as smallpox, is a rare but potentially serious viral illness.

It typically begins with flu-like symptoms and swelling of the lymph nodes and gradually develops to widespread rashes on the face and body.

It can spread from person to person through respiratory droplets.

The CDC said since travellers were wearing masks due to COVID-19, the risk of spread of monkeypox via respiratory droplets to others on air planes and at the airports was low.
The patient was infected with the strain most commonly found in parts of West Africa, including Nigeria, CDC added.

The CDC said it was working with local health officials to contact airline passengers and others who were in contact with the infected traveller during their flights from Lagos to Atlanta on July 8 and from Atlanta to Dallas on July 9. The last time monkeypox was seen in the U.S. was in 2003.

Nearly 50 people fell ill after imported African rodents infected prairie dogs, which subsequently infected humans, the CDC said.

This launched a government search across 15 states for infected prairie dogs.

Wednesday 23 June 2021


The word NEBOSH is an acronym for National Examination Board on Occupational Safety and Health. It is a UK based educational body which has gained recognition over the years in setting examination for people who want a career in safety and for those who generally work in the oil and gas sector.

NEBOSH Certification has risen to become the most valuable qualification amongst a wide range of other health and Safety courses with presence its in over 40 countries of the world

The NEBOSH International General Certificate (IGC) is a level 6 safety qualification that provides an excellent foundation in Health and safety for Supervisors, managers and people with responsibility in occupational Safety and health. The NEBOSH IGC course is relevant to all types of organizations as it helps the professional manage risks effectively.


Training will be delivered in our Port Harcourt office by NEBOSH approved tutors with proven experience in NEBOSH training.

Kindly visit www. for details 


On completion of the training the candidates will be required to seat for an exam. The paper to write is IGC 1

To pass each unit you must make 60%. Candidates who fail to meet any of the required marks will not receive the certificates for that unit, but will receive certificates for the units passed.

Candidates who pass this exam will be issued a transcript (COERS) and certificates directly from NEBOSH UK after 40 working days for each units passed.


NEBOSH IGC  course is FOR Environmental Health Professionals, coordinators, Managers, supervisors and young graduates in all careers as it offers a broad knowledge and understanding of health and safety principles and practices. The qualification focuses on international standards and management systems, enabling candidates to effectively discharge workplace health and safety responsibilities in any employment sectors, in all parts of the world. The NEBOSH International General Certificate is also suitable for those embarking on a career in health and safety, no previous health and safety knowledge or certification is required.

For further details visit...

Tuesday 22 June 2021


TRAIN4JOBS is a career advancement program of Deslog Training & Consulting designed in partnership World Safety Organization (WSO) USA and other national and international partners to support unemployed Nigerians by providing them access to relevant professional training and internationally recognized certifications at highly discounted price,

Further provide them with first hand job employment support, and career mentorship that will empower them to take their rightful position in the Nigerian labour market for free.

In this 2021 midyear discount promo,  interested participants are to choose up to four (4) professional courses of their choice from the list of courses provided, train and pay only the discounted fee of;

₦35,000 for one (1) course,

₦60,000 for two (2) courses,

₦75,000 for three (3) courses and

₦100,000 for four (4) courses

There are no hidden charges. Unbelievable? This is our own way of giving back to the society

Kindly choose 1 - 4 courses of your choice from the list of professional courses provided here below. These courses were carefully selected by our experts after proper research of industry selling courses.

Here are the Course(s), the Original cost (without discount) and the Duration :- 

1. HSE Level 1, 2 & 3 - ₦40,000 - Duration = 5 Days

2. Diploma in Logistics & Supply Chain Management
₦60,000 - Duration = 4 Days

3. Diploma in Project Management
₦60,000 - Duration = 4 Days

4. Oil & Gas Operational Safety - ₦60,000 - Duration = 4 Days

5. Quality Management System ISO 9001:2015 Internal Auditor Course:  ₦50,000 - Duration = 3 Days

6. Quality Assurance/Quality Control (QA/QC) - ₦60,000 - Duration = 3 Days

7. Human Resource Management (HRM)
₦50,000 Duration = 3 Days

8. Process Safety Management (PSM)
₦80,000 Duration = 4 Days

 9. Contracts Management - ₦100,000 = 4 Days

10. Fundamentals of Procurement Management - ₦100,000 - Duration = 4 days


Yes, on completion of these courses, the candidates will be required to sit for an international exams. The papers to write depends on the course(s) you choose.

The exams shall hold in Deslog Training & Consulting (DTC) facilities in Nigeria or online under the approval of the World Safety Organization (WSO), USA and other partners.

Yes of course! At the successful completion of the exams, successful candidates will be issued professional certificates for the courses they sat for. certificates will be ready for collection within 7 to 21 Days after the exam.

Note: HSE Level 1, 2 & 3 course comes in 3 different certificates while other courses comes in one certificate per course, so participants may earn up to 6 different internationally recognized certificates based on course(s) they have chosen

Certificates will be issued respectively by the following bodies' base on choice of course(s):
1. Deslog Training & Consulting (Nigeria)
2. World Safety Organization (USA)
3. Chartered Institute of Operations, Logistics & Supply Chain Management (USA)
4. Chartered Institute of Project Management (CIPM)

Note: all our certificates are internationally accepted and bears seal of authentication and global recognition

The Duration of the training depends on the course(s) you choose, admin will provide you with total duration after registration.

All participants who make complete payment on or before the commencement day of the training will get one International Safety Passport (ISP) worth over 100USD for 100% free.
Participants will get free training on CV packaging
Participants who want to register as member of World Safety Organization (WSO) USA will pay a subsidized fee of N25,000 only. (Optional)
Online participants who choose up 4 courses and makes complete payment on or before the commencement day of the training will get 4.5G Data subscription for free

Due to the Pandemic and the new normal, this program has both classroom training option and online training option and participants are to choose the method that is most suitable for them

For Classroom Training Option: Training will hold in Lagos, Port Harcourt and Enugu on different dates respectively and we will maintain Covid-19 guidelines to ensure participants safety.

For Online Training Option: Participants will be given access to our online training portal where he/she can learn at their own pace, all participants will also be regularly given zoom link to join live/virtual classes on schedule.

We from time to time receive request from reputable organizations seeking manpower outsourcing.  In such occasion, we start sourcing from those we trained first. So all participant are required to come to the training venue with a copy of their updated CV to enable them get;

Recommendation for employment when job opportunities comes out
Job updates in their emails
Recommendation letter for internship placement on demand
Career mentorship on demand

All participants are required to make payment after submission of their registration form to complete their registration process and reserve their seat.

They can choose to pay instantly with their ATM Card, through bank transfer or cash payment in any of our offices.

However, we accept 2 times payment by installment: if you wish to pay by installment, you must pay up to  50% of the total discounted fee before you will be allowed to participate in the training program and the balance must be paid on or before the last day of the training. We highly recommend a onetime full  payment to enhance timely certificate delivery).

Note:  You will not be allowed to sit for any examination if you fail to make complete payment.

To register for this program, kindly follow the link and visit our website. Click on the "register button" to kick start the registration process, complete the registration form accordingly and submit.

Please call/WhatsApp: 0806 005 4239 to get immediate support if you are finding it difficult registering for this program or if you have concern.


All graduates (irrespective of discipline)
Everyone seeking a certification to secure employment into the Oil and Gas industry and other allied industries
Anyone who wants to engage in management and Administrative jobs
Anyone who wants to work as a Quality Management Officer, Supervisor, Manager, Auditor etc.
Graduates (B. Eng, BA, B. Tec, Bsc, NCE, OND, HND, etc.) holders; those that want to work or are already working in Oil & Gas Offshore & Onshore, Engineering companies, Manufacturing, Marine & Logistics, IT companies, Hospitals & Health Outfits, Schools and Hotels, those that want to build a career in HSE Management and HSE Consultancy
Anyone who wants to work as HSE Officer, Supervisor, etc, in reputable organizations
Anyone seeking employment into any reputable organization that need relevant training and certification to boost his/her chances.

Sunday 20 June 2021


HSE is an acronym for Health, Safety and Environmental Management. HSE management involves managing, controlling and handling all aspects of health, safety and the environment in the petroleum industry – with the focus on major accident risk.

HSE certification as of today is regarded as one of the most significant certification training in several industries such as Oil & Gas, Marine, Manufacturing, Construction, Engineering, banking and finance etc.

Successful candidates of this program stand a 95% chance of being selected for employment or promotion in any of the mentioned industries.

This course provides you with the knowledge, skills and solid training in the theories and practices of occupational health and safety, emergency planning and environmental management. Participants will have the foundations to create, plan, implement, audit and evaluate programs in the areas of health and safety, emergency planning and environmental management systems.

The World Safety Organization (WSO) Health Safety & Environment (HSE) is a world recognized health and safety organization with Consultative Status, Category II (non-governmental), with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations. The major objective of WSO is to Make Safety a Way of Life

World Safety Organization (WSO) provides Health Safety and Environment HSE Level 1, 2 & 3 certification that's recognized and accepted in more that 360 countries of the world including Nigeria.

There are 3 levels of HSE courses to run to be qualified as a safety practitionar under the WSO USA Standard, these 3 certifications are really a good start up in safety career.

HSE level 1 (Foundation) – This qualification is designed to provide candidates with understanding the skills, principles and practices of workplace safety. This level provides a starting point from which more detailed training in level 2 can follow. This level is suitable for beginners and anyone in the workplace environment.

HSE level 2 (Appreciation) – This qualification is designed to help improve the workplace culture by enabling learners to understand the basic principles and practice of health safety & environment in a workplace and risk assessment methodology. Course is suitable for anyone in a work environment as it raises learners’ awareness of the concept of HSE and risk assessment.

HSE level 3 (Supervision) – This qualification is created to provide an in-depth knowledge of responsibilities and duty of an HSE officer in a workplace and an introduction to environmental management systems. Course is suitable for everyone whose activities have to do with leadership or could have a significant impact on the environment, or those introduced to environmental issues for the first time.


The certificate is released directly from World Safety Organization WSO World Management Center Warrensburg, USA and bears the World Safety Organization WSO seal of certification and recognition.

Successful candidates of this course will also automatically receive the WSO International Safety Passport free.


Everyone is eligible to take this course. This program will also interest individuals who are already working in safety-related positions who require broader legal and technical knowledge to function effectively in their occupation, or who would like to enhance their career in safety, or those planning to move into safety-related positions. But note that every profession and career need HSE training and certification to work safe and remain alive


Yes, on completion of the training the candidates will be required to seat for an international exam. The papers to write are HSE Level 1, HSE Level 2 and HSE Level 3

Candidates who pass this exam will be issued results in 21 Working Days after exam, and certificates will be sent from USA for each units passed. The exams are held in Deslog Energy training centers in Nigeria and coordinated under the approval of the World Safety Organization (WSO), USA.


After the exams, all scripts are marked by World Safety Organization WSO listened instructors. To pass each level, you need to score at least 40% in each of the levels. Each level passed entitles you to a certificate for that level.


Safety Officer, Health Officer, Environmental Officer, though all careers seriously need safety training to work safe and remain alive.



To register for online training, click online register button to complete your register and proceed. Register early and reserve your seat, early registration is recommended as we are admitting a limited number.

Follow the link below to register

Tuesday 1 June 2021


    Dr. Chris Ngige

The federal government has reached agreement with stakeholders in the health sector to grant new retirement age for workers in the sector.

Under the new condition of service, the retirement age of health workers has increased from 60 years to 65 years.

Also the retirement age for medical consultants is 70 years.

Government also requested for three weeks to consider proposals made by health workers under the auspices of the Nigerian Medical Association (NMA) and Joint Health Sector Unions (JOHESU) regarding enhanced hazard allowance.

Speaking to journalists after a meeting between the Presidential Committee on Salaries (PSC), relevant federal government stakeholders, health sector professional associations and trade unions on the issue of hazard allowance and retirement age for health sector workers in government health establishments at the Presidential Villa in Abuja yesterday, Minister of Labour and Enployment , Dr. Chris Ngige said that federal government had acceded to the request by the unions in the health sector to extend the retirement age of the workers.

“We made a lot of progress at today’s meeting, including approving new retirement age for health workers and taking their proposals on the new hazard allowance which the government side will go and study and come back with a decision on June 1”.

It was gathered that NMA has proposed that health workers from level 1 to 6 be paid N60,000 monthly hazard allowance, while those from level 7 to 9 should earn 70 per cent of their consolidated basic salary as hazard allowance.

NMA also asked that its members on level 10 to 12 be paid 60 per cent of their consolidated basic salary and that others on COMES 5 – 7 be paid 60 per cent of their consolidated basic salary as well.

NMA also requested that doctors working at the COVID-19 isolation centres and those manning the Infectious disease centres should be paid additional 20 per cent of their consolidated basic salary.

On the hand, JOHESU proposed that health workers between grade levels 2 and 6 be paid N65,000 monthly as hazard allowance; those on levels 7-9 to earn 90 per cent of their consolidated basic salary levels 10 – 12 also to receive 80 per cent of their consolidated basic salary, while levels 13 -16 should earn 70 per cent of their consolidated basic salary.

Ngige said that federal government was determined to improve the conditions of service of Nigerian health workers in order to retain their services within the country.

According to Ngige, part of the measures to retain the health workers was to give them better conditions of service, including the increase in hazard allowance and their retirement age.

Ngige said, “We have taken their proposal. The government side will firm up its own proposal and we are reconvening June 1 so that we can have an agreed hazard allowance for health workers in Nigeria.

Monday 31 May 2021


The Environmental Health Officers Registration Council of Nigeria ( EHORECON) said the Federal Fire Service(FFS) was not among licensed organizations to carry out fumigation in the country.
The agency has criticised the Federal Fire Service for carrying out fumigation at the Ekiti State Government owned College of Health Sciences and Technology, Ijero Ekiti.

According to a press statement issued and signed by its Head, Public Affairs, Kehinde Openibo,

titled, “Re: 100 students collapsed after inhaling fumigation chemicals in Ekiti,’ in reaction to the Wednesday incident at the college where about 100 students were said to have been hospitalised following fumigation of the school by men suspected to be from the Federal Fire Service.

It said decontamination or disinfection was not within the organisational mandates of the FFS.

The state government had suspended the school provost in response to the incident.

But the statement by the council read in part, “In addition to the above, an earlier memo which emanated from the Federal Fire Service and signed by one Momoh B. (Commanding Officer, Abuja) was equally sent to the Environmental Health Officers Registration Council of Nigeria informing the council of its intention to come and disinfect and decontaminate EHORECON premises.

The council also observed that the same document has been sent to other ministries, departments and agencies.

The initial stance of the council was to ignore the letter sent but on further reflection, the council considers it duty bound to make this factual presentation of the issues to the organisations, stakeholders and members of the public in Nigeria to whom we are accountable that the only Federal Government organisation with powers to decontaminate and disinfect public institutions and private organisations is the Federal Ministry of Environment anchored by licensed environmental health officers who are trained in the safe composition and dispensing of the approved formulation for this exercise.

Meanwhile, the Federal Fire Service on Friday said the decontamination at the School of Health Science and Technology, Ijero Ekiti, followed the laid down standards.

Friday 28 May 2021


The Federal Fire Service FFS has explained its role in the May 26 decontamination of the College of Health Science and Technology, Ijero Ekiti in Ekiti state, dispelling insinuations that it invaded the school without due approval.

Service spokeswoman, SF Ugo Huan in a statement on Friday in Abuja said the exercise which is reported to have affected the health of some students leading to the hospitalisation of two was quite regrettable.

“The Service sympathises with the two students of the institution who are presently receiving treatment at the hospital as a result of this unfortunate incident and we wish them quick recovery.

“The Service whose mandate is to save lives and property will never intentionally or unprofessionally do anything that will affect the health or lives of Nigerians”, Huan said.

According to her, on the 14th May, 2021 a letter was sent to the school management notifying them that the Federal Fire Service COVID-19 Response Team in the State will be coming to the School to carry out decontamination exercise and that there was need for students and staff to vacate the premises for a period of 30 minutes.

She said; “The letter was acknowledged by the school and permission was also granted. The COVID-19 Desk Officer called the Registrar of the Institution on the day the team was to visit the school to inform him of their coming to which permission was also granted by the Registrar.

“When they got to the school, the team met with the Registrar and other management staff in the Registrar’s office where they still reiterated the need for the students and staff to vacate the school premises and were assured by the Registrar that students and staff had been informed of the exercise and were well out of reach as required by safety directives.

“Trouble started 15 minutes after the decontamination exercise started with reports that some students had collapsed due to the adverse effect of the decontamination exercise. Our men immediately stopped the decontamination, but by then the students came attacking our men almost lynching them, it took the intervention of the school security who took them to the registrar’s office and later were whisked away by armed police officers of the Rapid Response Team.

“The Federal Fire Service, Ekiti State Command, commander was later invited to Ekiti State Government house where he briefed the Governor of the State, His Excellency, Governor Kayode Fayemi on what transpired.

“We want to categorically state that, the Federal Fire Service has trained all its men involved in the decontamination exercise against the spread of COVID-19 in the wake of the outbreak of COVID- 19. The Service in partnership with the ministry of environment flagged off the decontamination exercise.

“At present, the Service has established a COVID-19 Response Team in all its State Commands made up of well trained staff and representatives of Environmental Health Officers Association of Nigeria (EHOAN) and Environmental Officers Registration Council of Nigeria (EHORECON) in the handling of chemical used for the decontamination exercise. As we speak, the team is doing very well and carrying out the decontamination exercise professionally in all States of the Federation with no reported case of casualty .

“The isolated case in the School of Health Science and Technology, Ijero, Ekiti is quite unfortunate.

“The service is partnering with the State Government in the investigation already instituted by the State Government to ascertain the cause and to avert future occurrence. To also find out why this unfortunate incident happened in only School of Health Technology, Ijero Ekiti and not other schools where our men have carried out same decontamination exercises”, she added.

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