Saturday 30 May 2020


The reason for the growing number of cases of covid-19 is because the government prefers to use politicians and other non professionals to manage the prevention of covid-19.

There are trained professionals in the aspect of disease prevention.
All over the world Environmental Health Officers are spearheading contact tracing, decontamination/disinfection, Health education, waste management (including medical wastes), public health law enforcement in relation to covid-19, manning / control of all entry/exit points, overcrowding management, supervision of burials of covid-19 moralities, and a host of other processes and preventive protocols aimed at interrupting the pathway of the disease transmission.
But here, in Rivers state, it is politicians and their loyalists that are mostly seen doing Environmental Health Officers' duties as it concerns covid-19 prevention.

The Rivers state government must as a matter of urgency, effect the engagement of Environmental Health Officers, in a wholistic manner to step in with their trained professional strategies and protocols to help flatten the curve in Rivers State.

All qualified Environmental Health officers, whether employed by the government or not, must be called up to respond professionally to the clarion professional call aimed at winning the covid-19 war.

Environmental Health officers in government employment (and those not yet employed but trained/ qualified) are not mostly engaged at all even at this critical time. That's disturbing indeed.
Please let the government  engage the requisite professionals for the job: ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH  OFFICERS REMAINS THE  KEY THAT WILL HELP FLATTEN THE CURVE.

#lets take responsibility. 

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