Friday 29 March 2019


Foodborne illnesses are a burden on public health and contribute significantly to the cost of health care. Each year foodborne illnesses affects millions in Nigerians and even lead to thousands of hospitalizations and deaths.

A small percentage of these illnesses are the result of identified foodborne outbreaks, which happen when two or more cases of similar illnesses result from eating the same food.

Investigations of foodborne outbreaks, along with analyses of data on the germs that make us sick and behaviors that contribute to food contamination, help us identify where we can make improvements in this country’s food safety system.

NOTE: food Safety spans from growing the food on the farm through processing, packing, distribution, transportation, and storage, to preparing it to be eaten..

Foodborne illnesses are a preventable and underreported public health problem, especially in Nigeria. These illnesses are a burden on public health and contribute significantly to the cost of health care. They also present a major challenge to certain groups of people. 

Although anyone can get a foodborne illness, some people are at greater risk. For example: 
Children younger than age 4 have the highest incidence of laboratory-confirmed infections from some foodborne pathogens, including SalmonellaShigatoxin-producing Escherichia coliShigella etc...

People older than age 50 and those with reduced immunity are at greater risk for hospitalizations and death from intestinal pathogens commonly transmitted through foods.

Safer food promises healthier and longer lives and less costly health care, as well as a more resilient food industry. 


1.) Physical Determinants of Food Safety
Food hazards, including germs and chemical contaminants, can enter the food supply at any point from farm to table. Most of these hazards cannot be detected in food when it is purchased or consumed. 

In addition, a food itself can cause severe adverse reactions in people who are allergic to it. Food allergies are a significant concern, both among children under age 18 and some adults.

2.) Social and Behavioral Determinants of Food Safety
It is important for people to understand how their behavior and activities contribute to the safety of food and how they can decrease the risk of foodborne illness. From processes on the farm to practices in the kitchen, human activities play an important role in food safety. We face many challenges in keeping our food safe. 

The food industry is challenged by:
• Large employee populations with high rates of turnover, communication challenges, and cultural/traditional differences in how food is prepared
• Non-uniform systems for training and certifying workers
• Lack of sick leave policies for sick workers
• Difficulties in tracing food items to their sources
• Changes in production practices
• Increasing imports etc...

Consumers are challenged by:
• Determining when certain foods are cooked to appropriate temperatures
• Separating more risky foods from less risky foods
• Storing food at safe temperatures
• Properly cleaning hands and surfaces etc...

Foodborne illness surveillance and consumer complaints alert public health and regulatory agencies that a hazardous product is in commerce and should be recalled. 

The investigation of foodborne illnesses focuses agencies and the food industry on identifying problems, initiating control activities, and improving practices.

Intensive prevention activities and collaborative efforts by the food industry, regulatory and public health agencies, and consumers are needed to reduce foodborne illness in Nigeria.

Nigeria must as a matter of urgency develop/improve her environmental health architecture. This would be achieved by removing environmental health management from politicians/political interference and also medical doctors and their continued interference.

The National Assembly (NASS) should as a matter of urgency create the National Environmental Health Service (NEHS) under the presidency.

The NEHS should be headed by the Chief Environmental Health Officer of the Nigeria (CEHON) who shall be a seasoned Environmental Health Officer.

The States shall have State Environmental Health Service (SEHS) reporting to the Governor directly through the Chief Environmental Health Officer of the the State (CEHOS)

The LGAs shall have similar creation too to take the administration to the grass root level.

If these creations are made urgently as required, with commensurate retraining/development and independence granted, Environmental Health practice in Nigeria would be envy of all globally.

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