Wednesday 7 November 2018



You may have heard the word “pH” used to describe drinking water quality, but do you know what it means?

pH is a measurement of electrically charged particles in a substance. It indicates how acidic or alkaline (basic) that substance is. The pH scale ranges from 0 to 14:

Acidic water has a pH lower than 7. The most acidic substances have a pH of 0. Battery acid falls into this category.Alkaline water has a pH of 8 or above. The most alkaline substances, such as lye, have a pH of 14. normal/standard water has a pH of 7 and is considered “neutral” because it has neither acidic nor basic qualities.


Freshwater pH varies across the world depending on weather patterns, human activity, and natural processes.

Water with a very low or high pH can be a sign of chemical or heavy metal pollution.

Water that doesn’t fall in the “safe” pH range of 6.5 to 8.5, particularly if it’s alkaline, may be unsafe for drinking purposes etc. Also, very alkaline water can have an unpleasant smell or taste, and it can also damage pipes and water-carrying appliances.

Acidic water with a pH of less than 6.5 is more likely to be contaminated with pollutants, making it unsafe to drink. It can also corrode (dissolve) metal pipes.

Many municipal water suppliers voluntarily test the pH of their water to monitor for pollutants, which may be indicated by a changing pH. When pollutants are present, water companies treat their water to make it safe to drink again.

ALKALINE WATER: This has become a popular drinking water choice over the past few years. Some people say that drinking slightly alkaline water — with a pH between 8 and 9 — can improve your health. They say it may make you age more slowly, maintain a healthy pH in your body, and block chronic disease like cancer.

Despite the many health claims made by alkaline water drinkers and sellers, there’s very little to any scientific evidence that alkaline water is healthier than other kinds of drinking water.

However, there are a few studies suggesting alkaline water may benefit the health of people with certain medical conditions, such as:

acid reflux (2012 study)high blood pressure, diabetes, and high cholesterol (2001 study)

High alkaline, electrolyzed water may also be helpful after dehydration caused by exercise.

But if you notice that your faucets and pipes have taken on a rusty red, white, or blue color, you might want to take steps on your own. This discoloration — as well as any discoloration of your drinking water — is a sign of corrosion caused by acidic water. Corroded pipes should be inspected by a professional plumber and replaced if necessary.

It’s fairly easy and inexpensive to test the pH of your drinking water. All you need is a test kit. These come in many different forms at different price points.

Some of the most highly rated pH test products are water quality tester “pens.” Simply dip the pen into a sample of your drinking water and a few moments later receive an accurate pH reading. Two popular models are the 7Pros and Jellas digital water meters.

If your water falls within the W.H.O recommended range of 6.5 to 8.5, there’s no need to take action. But if your water pH falls outside of the safe range, it’s time to act. Call your environmental health professionals to alert them to your test findings.

They may visit your residence or organisation to professionally test your water in accredited laboratories. They should handle the situation if their laboratory test also comes back abnormal. Since pH is often a sign of contamination, the environmental health professionals may run several tests in the laboratory, looking for various contaminants.

In the meantime, if you suspect problems with your drinking water — whether it’s pH, a strange texture, a bad taste, or a bad smell etc,  do call your environmental health professionals to take immediate action on the water source.

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