Wednesday 30 May 2018


I broke the news of your impending sack to you last week, which was confirmed yesterday by the circular from the Ministry of Health.

Today, you are faced between immediate comfort and lasting liberation from the shackles of professional colonialism.

Today, you are faced between living without
salaries as a result of the sack or to go back to work and be paid the peanuts you currently earn as a trained, experienced, licensed and academically qualified health professionals.

Today, Nigerians have sent me as a mouthpiece to deliver this message to you.

To JOHESU leaders: Do know this today, that the prison was made for three kind of people -



You belong to the second and third categories.

The prison doors will be thrown wide open for daring to disobey the government, but do not fret.

They will send the SSS after you and
throw you inside the underground cells, all in a bid to weaken you, but again, do not fret or be intimidated by the instruments of the state.

Also note this today, that it's the same you who will treat the security officials that would be sent to arrest you, when they are sick. Mark their faces very well when they come.

Take note of their names and if possible their lineages'. When they, or any of their family, get sick and needs your experienced / anointed healing hands after this whole saga, remind them of how they (security agencies) joined the government to nail you for fighting for your

DO NOT ever fall for the Senate President's meeting and then call off the strike, PL-EA-SE! Nigerian govt never keeps to promises.

If you call off the strike today out of fear or due to the carrot plea of Dr Bukola Saraki, know that you will never rise again
and no one will take you seriously when you call out strike actions next time, again.

Never in the face of threat yield to the oppressors. This because your demands are 100% just, fair and right. You cannot be a senior Nurse/Midwife earning a paltry sum of N150,000 while the new comer, fresh graduate medical doctor earns over N313,000. Same pay that would take an experienced, long served, academically qualified nurse, pharmacists, medical laboratory scientists etc nine years to earn. Note that, a senior medical officer (doctor) is already earning over half a million bucks. That's well and over the earnings of a chief matron, chief med lab scientists, chief pharmacists' etc irrespective of your fields of specialization/expertise long after graduation.

Do not be moved by the fears of tomorrow for no one can replace you. 
The battle is not about you but saving the entire medical profession, in line with international best practices and the unborn generations.

Save the future children from having to go through this road again by ignoring the government and staying in your homes, do your private practice, come up with ideas and if possible, migrate out of this country to foreign lands, where relativity in salaries is determined by your level of specialty and expertise, not by the donkey years in school.

You have everything right to disobey the government of the day. They have disobeyed the court orders again and again, so it's not new to us. Let them employ the new hands and we all watch who will give the new employees licences to practice when the ones they parade expires.

You have shown courage in the face of injustice for years and if this is the breaking point, so be it.

Sew your prison uniforms and write your names on gold. Nigerians will daily pay you visit in prison to show solidarity. We are with you all the way.

Even if the admin staff among you want to resume, let them resume, but
the clinicians and professionals among you should ignore this government, while telling your children, wards and
relatives on the need to get their PVC to vote out this cluelessness.

If the Pathologists claim to own the laboratory, the doors
have been left open for them since, let them do the work.

If the pharmacologist and radiologists claims to own the pharmacy and radiography departments, the keys are there for them to work.

Oh, if the medical doctors claim to own the patients, now the Nurses/Midwives are no longer there, so let them take over the jobs and demand for extra pay if they want.

The field has been left open, let those who claim to own the appellation 'Dr' and the self aclaimed master of all medical knowledge do the jobs of others.

JOHESU MUST NOT BOW NOW . You have come too far to go back to Egypt now. If your FULL promotional arrears is not paid, consultancy status granted, headship of hospitals and Ministry of Health given to all, retirement age adjusted, adjustment in CONHESS (very important) and equipping of the hospitals done, then do not back down on this strike.

Nigerians will be fine. We will patronise private hospitals. We will come on our own to the labs for test and scan. We will go to the pharmacy to get our drugs.
We will be fine, but liberate yourselves first, just like Christ said "Physician, cure thy self".

Be steadfast and resolute. Freedom has never been gotten on a platter of gold.
Let every member get this message from Nigerians.

Happy Democracy Day
Signed: Fejiro Oliver
On behalf of Nigerians.

Received & shared. Please give it the widest share to all concerned. 

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