Tuesday 3 October 2017


Abel Jeremiah, a licenced and registered veteran Environmental Health Officer and also a strong voice and EXCO member in the national platform of Environmental Health Officers Association of Nigeria (EHOAN) has this to say on Waste Management in Port Harcourt  and it's Environs.

"Now the City of Port Harcourt has been diagnosed unsightly, unsafe and unfit for continuous habitation. Health and safety has observed that  most parts of Port Harcourt and environs are littered with refuse...

"Private Partnerships in key sectors. 
Finally the duty of keeping the city clean and habitable belongs to all."  -Abel Jeremiah

"Worse still is that receptacles that is the official designated places for dumping of refuse or household are overfilled with no contractor evacuating them...

"One would have thought that with an agency of Government, The Rivers State Waste Management Agency saddled with this responsibility will be focused on ensuring that human environments are devoid of this unacceptable nuisance of a sight..."

"Waste management cannot be taken lightly, it is a necessary social service whose providers are treated like lords in elite societies. 
According  to Abel Jeremiah, two (2) reasons account for this, as 
(a) nuisance generated by all but won't be tolerated by any, leading to the notorious 'not in my backyard' syndrome,  secondly
(b) it has all the trappings of disease causing portals. It therefore has the potential of maligning the vibrancy of a city like Port Harcourt."

Finally, advised that "Government as presently constituted must rise to the occasion, ease itself of some encumbrances by creating Public Private Partnerships in key sectors. 
Finally the duty of keeping the city clean and habitable belongs to all. 
Be sure to do your bit."

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