Friday 5 May 2017


The terms " Food Safety" and "Food Hygiene" are often being loosely applied/used interchangeably and as such causing myriads of confusion and misunderstanding of what is actually meant.
For this reason, the EHSadvisor finds it very expedient to clearly explain the both for proper understanding.

FOOD SAFETY is defined as a scientific discipline that describes/prescribes sanitary methods in the production, transportation,  handling, preparation, and storage of food in such a manner that would prevent SPOILAGE and (or) POISONING before final consumption by the public.
This includes a number of laid down rule and routines that must be followed from the farms (raw food) to the dinning table for consumption so that the food will maintain it's natural state, texture and nutritional /biological values  that is free from microbial and chemical contaminants that could result in foodborne illnesses and outbreaks. Food safety is all encompassing as its aim is to avoid potentially severe public health hazards.
These includes a number of routines that must be followed to avoid potentially severe health hazards and outbreaks of food poisoning

What Is Food SPOILAGE?:

Food spoilage means the original nutritional value, texture, flavour of the food are damaged, the food become harmful to people and unsuitable to eat.

Microbial spoilage

There are three types of microorganisms that cause food spoilage -- yeasts, moulds and bacteria.

While FOOD HYGIENE are those conditions and measures that are necessary to be employed during, before /after, preparations and sale of food up till final consumption of the food by the consumer, so as to ensure the food is safe and wholesome for consumption. Those conditions  and measures  includes:
1.) clean/healthy environment
2.) Medical examination of food handlers to ascertain health fitness
3.) Proper cooking of food till its done without loosing it's nutrients/nutritional values but destroying all microbial presence.
4.) Proper handwash
5.) proper washing and processing of the raw food before cooking
6.) Proper covering of food and avoiding flies and other pest from having contact
7.) Wearing head gears, aprons etc
8.) Maintaining good sanitary distance between kitchen and toilets or other conveniences.
9.) Avoid talking over food
10.) Ensuring  that food handlers do not keep long nails, or polished fingernails etc.
11.) Ensuring that cooks do not lick spoon to taste for salt
12.) Fly proof kitchen
13.) Restraining non kitchen staff from entering kitchens and food processing rooms...
14.) Never process food on bare ground /floor
15.) Wash all cooking utensils properly immediately after use etc..

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