Monday 31 May 2021


The Environmental Health Officers Registration Council of Nigeria ( EHORECON) said the Federal Fire Service(FFS) was not among licensed organizations to carry out fumigation in the country.
The agency has criticised the Federal Fire Service for carrying out fumigation at the Ekiti State Government owned College of Health Sciences and Technology, Ijero Ekiti.

According to a press statement issued and signed by its Head, Public Affairs, Kehinde Openibo,

titled, “Re: 100 students collapsed after inhaling fumigation chemicals in Ekiti,’ in reaction to the Wednesday incident at the college where about 100 students were said to have been hospitalised following fumigation of the school by men suspected to be from the Federal Fire Service.

It said decontamination or disinfection was not within the organisational mandates of the FFS.

The state government had suspended the school provost in response to the incident.

But the statement by the council read in part, “In addition to the above, an earlier memo which emanated from the Federal Fire Service and signed by one Momoh B. (Commanding Officer, Abuja) was equally sent to the Environmental Health Officers Registration Council of Nigeria informing the council of its intention to come and disinfect and decontaminate EHORECON premises.

The council also observed that the same document has been sent to other ministries, departments and agencies.

The initial stance of the council was to ignore the letter sent but on further reflection, the council considers it duty bound to make this factual presentation of the issues to the organisations, stakeholders and members of the public in Nigeria to whom we are accountable that the only Federal Government organisation with powers to decontaminate and disinfect public institutions and private organisations is the Federal Ministry of Environment anchored by licensed environmental health officers who are trained in the safe composition and dispensing of the approved formulation for this exercise.

Meanwhile, the Federal Fire Service on Friday said the decontamination at the School of Health Science and Technology, Ijero Ekiti, followed the laid down standards.

Friday 28 May 2021


The Federal Fire Service FFS has explained its role in the May 26 decontamination of the College of Health Science and Technology, Ijero Ekiti in Ekiti state, dispelling insinuations that it invaded the school without due approval.

Service spokeswoman, SF Ugo Huan in a statement on Friday in Abuja said the exercise which is reported to have affected the health of some students leading to the hospitalisation of two was quite regrettable.

“The Service sympathises with the two students of the institution who are presently receiving treatment at the hospital as a result of this unfortunate incident and we wish them quick recovery.

“The Service whose mandate is to save lives and property will never intentionally or unprofessionally do anything that will affect the health or lives of Nigerians”, Huan said.

According to her, on the 14th May, 2021 a letter was sent to the school management notifying them that the Federal Fire Service COVID-19 Response Team in the State will be coming to the School to carry out decontamination exercise and that there was need for students and staff to vacate the premises for a period of 30 minutes.

She said; “The letter was acknowledged by the school and permission was also granted. The COVID-19 Desk Officer called the Registrar of the Institution on the day the team was to visit the school to inform him of their coming to which permission was also granted by the Registrar.

“When they got to the school, the team met with the Registrar and other management staff in the Registrar’s office where they still reiterated the need for the students and staff to vacate the school premises and were assured by the Registrar that students and staff had been informed of the exercise and were well out of reach as required by safety directives.

“Trouble started 15 minutes after the decontamination exercise started with reports that some students had collapsed due to the adverse effect of the decontamination exercise. Our men immediately stopped the decontamination, but by then the students came attacking our men almost lynching them, it took the intervention of the school security who took them to the registrar’s office and later were whisked away by armed police officers of the Rapid Response Team.

“The Federal Fire Service, Ekiti State Command, commander was later invited to Ekiti State Government house where he briefed the Governor of the State, His Excellency, Governor Kayode Fayemi on what transpired.

“We want to categorically state that, the Federal Fire Service has trained all its men involved in the decontamination exercise against the spread of COVID-19 in the wake of the outbreak of COVID- 19. The Service in partnership with the ministry of environment flagged off the decontamination exercise.

“At present, the Service has established a COVID-19 Response Team in all its State Commands made up of well trained staff and representatives of Environmental Health Officers Association of Nigeria (EHOAN) and Environmental Officers Registration Council of Nigeria (EHORECON) in the handling of chemical used for the decontamination exercise. As we speak, the team is doing very well and carrying out the decontamination exercise professionally in all States of the Federation with no reported case of casualty .

“The isolated case in the School of Health Science and Technology, Ijero, Ekiti is quite unfortunate.

“The service is partnering with the State Government in the investigation already instituted by the State Government to ascertain the cause and to avert future occurrence. To also find out why this unfortunate incident happened in only School of Health Technology, Ijero Ekiti and not other schools where our men have carried out same decontamination exercises”, she added.


The council said the fire service was not among organisations licensed to carry out fumigation in the country.

Its position was contained in a statement on Friday by its Head, Public Affairs, Kehinde Openibo, titled, “Re: 100 students collapsed after inhaling fumigation chemicals in Ekiti,’ in reaction to the Wednesday incident at the college where about 100 students were said to have been hospitalised following fumigation of the school by men suspected to be from the Federal Fire Service.

It said decontamination or disinfection was not within the organisational mandates of the FFS.

 The state government had suspended the school provost in response to the incident.

But the statement by the council read in part, “In addition to the above, an earlier memo which emanated from the Federal Fire Service and signed by one Momoh B. (Commanding Officer, Abuja) was equally sent to the Environmental Health Officers Registration Council of Nigeria informing the council of its intention to come and disinfect and decontaminate EHORECON premises.

 The council also observed that the same document has been sent to other ministries, departments and agencies.

“The initial stance of the council was to ignore the letter sent but on further reflection, the council considers it duty bound to make this factual presentation of the issues to the organisations, stakeholders and members of the public in Nigeria to whom we are accountable that the only Federal Government organisation with powers to decontaminate and disinfect public institutions and private organisations is  the Federal Ministry of Environment anchored by licensed environmental health officers who are trained in the safe composition and dispensing of  the approved formulation for this exercise.

Meanwhile, the Federal Fire Service on Friday said the decontamination at the School of Health Science and Technology, Ijero Ekiti, followed the laid down standards.

It also said reports that 15 students of the college collapsed while some were hospitalised as a result of the decontamination exercise carried out by the agency were not true.

Speaking on its roles in the incident, the FFS, in a statement by its Public Relations Officer, Ms Ugo Huan, on Friday titled, ‘Decontamination exercise at the School of Health Science and Technology, Ijero Ekiti,’ explained that the decontamination exercise in the school, in respect of the COVID-19 pandemic, followed all approved guidelines and protocols.

It said the Federal Fire Service got the  approval to conduct the decontamination exercise from the school authorities, adding that while the exercise was being carried out, reports came that some students had been affected by the adverse effects of the decontamination.

 The statement read in part, “Trouble started 15 minutes after the decontamination exercise started with reports that some students had collapsed due to the adverse effect of the decontamination exercise. Our men immediately stopped the decontamination, but by
then, the students came attacking our men, almost lynching them.

“It took the intervention of the school security, who took them to the registrar’s office, and later, (they) were whisked away by armed police officers of the Rapid Response Team.”


   Dr. Kayode Fayemi
   Ekiti State governor 

The Ekiti State Governor, His Excellency, Dr Kayode Fayemi, on Thursday, suspended the Provost of the College Of Health Sciences and Technology, Ijero-Ekiti, Dr Cecilia Adebayo, over the hospitalisation of over 100 students following the fumigation of the school by men of the Federal Fire Service.

This was contained in a statement signed by the Chief Press Secretary to the governor, Yinka Oyebode.

The statement was titled, ‘KSG Suspends Provost of the College Of Health Sciences and Technology As State Launches Investigations Into Controversial Fumigation exercise that Landed over 100 students In Hospital’.

“The suspension, is without prejudice to the outcome of a meeting of the College’s Governing Council slated for next week. The officials of the Federal Fire Services that carried out the fumigation exercise have also been directed to report back to their office in Abuja.

“Consequently, the Governor has constituted a panel to investigate the unfortunate incidence,” the statement partly read.

Wednesday 26 May 2021


  Governor of Ekiti State, 
  Dr Kayode Fayemi 

The Ekiti State government said it has commenced investigation into the alleged COVID-19 fumigation of the State College of Health Sciences and Technology Ijero-Ekiti, which led to the hospitalisation of over 100 students of the institution.
Tribune Online gathered that officials of the Federal Fire Service were alleged to have commenced a ‘COVID-19 fumigation exercise’, on Wednesday, in the school which coincides with the time the students were writing their exams.

Sources informed our correspondent that some of the students hospitalized were said to be asthmatic patients who developed complications after inhaling the chemical substance used for the fumigation.

One of the sources said: “The people came to the school today to fumigate which cut many surprised because nobody is talking about COVID-19 fumigation at the moment.

“The students were writing their exams today and I believe the chemical substance used affected many of them which made them be hospitalised. It is a very dangerous situation in our hands. They(students) inhale the substance and it really affected many.”

Those with critical conditions were said to have been rushed to the Federal Teaching Hospital, Ido Ekiti and the ABUAD multi-system hospital.

Confirming the incident, the state Commissioner for health, Dr Oyebanji Filani, said about 100 students of the institution were victims of the incident, noting that government ambulances were immediately deployed to move the affected students to the hospital.

While disclosing that investigations have commenced unravelling the motive behind the exercise by the officials of the federal agency, he said everything would be done to arrest and prosecute those found culpable.

Filani revealed that only 36 of 100 are still remaining in the hospital, with two critical conditions at the FMC in Ido-Ekiti and another in close examination at the ABUAD hospital.

According to him, “I have been to Ijero today to see things for myself and I can confirm that about 100 students were affected due to the substance used for the fumigation exercise.

“We are on top of the situation to determine the authenticity of the people involved, their motives and above all to see the letter that was said to have written to the school for the fumigation exercise.

“From the information, we have at the moment, the officials that came for the exercise were from one federal agency and we will investigate and take appropriate measures.”

He added that government would ensure the safety of all students in the school, saying a majority of the victims are in stable condition at the various hospitals.

Tuesday 18 May 2021


The Nigeria Union of Peteoleum and Natural Gas Workers (NUPENG) has alerted its members to be ready for shutdown if attacks on peaceful protesters continue in Kaduna State.

NUPENG is one of the 46 industrial unions affiliated with the Nigeria Labour Congress.

The National President of the NUPENG, Williams Akporeha, in a statement to journalists in Kaduna said its members are “deeply saddened with the violent turn of NLC peaceful protests by the dictatorial and despotic regime of Governor Nasir El-Rufai in Kaduna State”.

PREMIUM TIMES broke the news on how armed thugs disrupted a procession by members of the NLC who were on a peaceful protest in Kaduna State on Tuesday.

The NLC is protesting the planned layoff of hundreds of workers by the state government, which it (state) had termed ‘rightsizing’ and has vowed not to back off from.

The protesters were marching around the NEPA roundabout in the Kaduna metropolis when the thugs pelted them with objects.

The workers had gathered at the location in preparation for the continuation of their protest, when the thugs invaded the area and violently dispersed them.

An infuriated state governor, Mr El-Rufai, later declared the NLC leader, Ayuba Wabba wanted and equally placed a ‘bounty’ on him.

NUPENG’s threat

“The Leadership of the Union is therefore calling on the Federal Government to immediately call on Kaduna State Governor Mallam Nasir El-Rufai to order before his arrogance and power drunk ego further push the situation into horrendous calamity as he has been doing in all issues relating to human lives and wellbeing, the statement said.

“Consequently, the Union reiterates that no Labour Leaders or workers as the case may be, be harmed, harassed, maimed, humiliated or victimized during this 5-day peaceful protests in the State.

“Our Union is raising this alarm following the very reliable report of the clandestine move of Governor Nasir El-RUfai to hurt and put the lives of NLC President, Comrade Ayuba Wabba and other Labour Leaders to danger in his usual blind egotistical style of running government in the State

“NUPENG therefore warns that if any harm is inflicted on any of the members of organized Labour, the Leadership of the Union will not hesitate to call on all our members throughout the nation for a total shut down of all our services in the upstream, mid-stream and downstream sectors of the oil and gas industry.

“In the light of the above, we are therefore putting all NUPENG members nationwide on red alert and may at very short notice of five hours call for a nationwide industrial action if situation arises.

“Our solidarity remains constant for the Union makes us strong,” the statement noted.


Amid the ongoing strike to make Kaduna State State Governor, Malam Nasir El-Rufai, rescind the mass sack of workers, the governor on Tuesday announced the dismissal of all nurses below level 14.

The governor’s action is linked to a tweet he made earlier when he stated that Barau Dikko Teaching hospital had reported that nurses disconnected oxygen from a two-day old baby in an incubator on Monday, May 17, 2021 when they joined the NLC strike.

In a statement issued by his Special Adviser on Media and Communication, Muyiwa Adekeye, El-Rufai said, “Apart from referring the nurses involved to the Ministry of Justice to initiate prosecution, the government also announced the dismissal of all nurses below Grade Level 14 for the illegal strike.”

“The Ministry of Health has been directed to advertise vacancies for the immediate recruitment of new nurses to replace those dismissed.

“The government has directed all its Ministries, Departments and Agencies to submit their attendance registers to the Head of Service while Kaduna State University should submit same to the Secretary to the State Government and the Commissioner of Education.”

Adekeye noted that salaries that could have been paid to the dismissed nurses will be given as extraordinary occupational allowances to the health workers who are at their duty posts to fill the gaps of those absconding from duty.

The NLC is yet to react to the latest action of the governor.

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